Welcome to SRT Photography

Just wanted to take a moment to welcome you to my site. This is the blog for my photography business which is located in Lake Providence, Louisiana. I will celebrate my 3rd year in business next month. It has been a journey and it continues to evolve everyday. Thanks so much for stopping by. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.
For more information visit my full website link on the left of this page. Or you can contact me at srtphotography@bellsouth.net.
Current News: July and August are booked!! I will open scheduling in August for the Christmas season.
Hope you enjoy!
stephanie rae thornton

Monday, February 25, 2008

I made it to Bald Head

As I began to count down the hours before my departure, things began to unravel. Jase, my 11 year old, came down with a stomach virus on Saturday evening. He remained sick through much of the day Sunday, and James & I realized that our plans to spend the night in Jackson so I could catch my 6 am flight were looking questionable. So after much debate and many tears on my behalf, Evelyn and Penny, the dearest of friends, left with me headed for Jackson at 9pm Sunday night. It is never easy to leave your children, but leaving one sick with the thought of passing on to the others, made it painful to leave. James assured me that he had it under control and he sent me with his blessing. It is now Monday and I have arrived on the island. I just had to share this photo of my bed. That big fluffy white robe was our first gift. I can't wait to see what else is to come. We just had our first meeting and a great supper and are gearing up for a full day tomorrow. Keep James in your prayers. I'll post again tomorrow. srt


amy terral said...

Well, you probably won't get much "sleeping in" time, but they are already setting you up for snugglin' time with that cushy robe. So glad you made the decision to go ahead with the plan. What would we do without the incredible friends that God has surrounded us with. Can't wait to see what's coming next!

Love you,

Emily Holleman said...

a robe. what a wonderful gift. A family... you may know them, The Thornton's, gave on to me not long ago!!! :) love you. Have fun.

Unknown said...

Glad to see you're there and settled in -- nice robe! I'm sure things are good with James and the kids, so gear up and have a wonderful time. Can't wait to hear about it. Oh, about the trip to Jackson, it just made another great memory of my many great friends! (I think Evelyn snored more on the way home than that night. HA!) I'm thankful you knew that you could count on me!

Love you,

Jaime said...

Looks like it will be fun! you know james has it under control bc he can handle throw up! have a blast! thinkning of you! Jaime

Amanda said...

Umm, jealous much? Yep! James is doing great, as you would expect. We made a Wal-mart run for him... the kids should be jelloed out in a few days. Heard Lillie Kate's kite flew really well. Sadie did great in the Spelling Bee, almost placed! Anxious to see all your pics!

kelly boyett said...

Things are going just great at the Thornton house! Jase is feeling better. Lillie Kate asked me this morning if we could fly kites again today, its maybe 50 degrees and very windy. I know you are having a blast, muchly jealous. I can't wait for photos and updates. ~kellyb