Welcome to SRT Photography

Just wanted to take a moment to welcome you to my site. This is the blog for my photography business which is located in Lake Providence, Louisiana. I will celebrate my 3rd year in business next month. It has been a journey and it continues to evolve everyday. Thanks so much for stopping by. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.
For more information visit my full website link on the left of this page. Or you can contact me at srtphotography@bellsouth.net.
Current News: July and August are booked!! I will open scheduling in August for the Christmas season.
Hope you enjoy!
stephanie rae thornton

Monday, July 7, 2008

sweet little Maggie

This child has the bluest eyes I believe I have ever seen. They are amazing. She was so happy and so easy to photograph. I've had these up for a while but just wanted to share them with you. srt


Amanda said...

Maggie's eyes are gorgeous! Sweet pictures!

Rachel said...

Thank you so much for posting some of Maggie's pictures. They all turned out great! It going to be really hard to decide. Thank you so much for capturing those sweet blue eyes! The pictures you have taken are precious! I will always cherish them.