Welcome to SRT Photography

Just wanted to take a moment to welcome you to my site. This is the blog for my photography business which is located in Lake Providence, Louisiana. I will celebrate my 3rd year in business next month. It has been a journey and it continues to evolve everyday. Thanks so much for stopping by. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.
For more information visit my full website link on the left of this page. Or you can contact me at srtphotography@bellsouth.net.
Current News: July and August are booked!! I will open scheduling in August for the Christmas season.
Hope you enjoy!
stephanie rae thornton

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

A New Perspective

This is my first sitting that I wanted to share with you since my workshop. I actually shot these right before I left for Love Affair, but they are exactly what I am wanting to share with you right now. I went to Tallulah to shoot these in Cathryn's room. A new perspective, I called it, because it wasn't on a backdrop or in the grass. It is her environment, her home. I think that this gives a whole new perspective to photography because you are capturing life as it really happens. This is a style of photography that I want to be able to do more of. Simple. Real. srt

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